TwentyFourEleven Project
Proposed Development Plan
TwentyFourEleven, LLC is proposing the development of two adjacent parcels: Parcel ‘A’ is currently owned by TwentyFourEleven, LLC; and Parcel ‘B’ is ‘right-of-way’ left over from the construction of I-90, owned by the City of Mercer Island. TwentyFourEleven, LLC proposes to acquire Parcel ‘B’ and merge it with Parcel ‘A’ to create an optimal ‘foot-print’ for a meaningful development at what has been identified as one of the ‘gateways’ to the Mercer Island Town Center. The proposed project will include significant park area, commercial space and under-ground parking. The commercial component of the project will be limited to low-height structures, a significant portion of which will be covered with grass and planted materials - accessible park area that will tie in seamlessly with significant other park space, an amphitheater and a ‘water wall’ (water feature) that will provide a dynamic focal-point at the west edge of the project. All of the aforementioned components will sit above 192 subterranean parking stalls, intended to service the City’s transit needs, as well as to service the general public, for whom the site itself will be an inviting destination.